Diamonds from the muck

Zillion things to share , feelings to feel, moments to live , love to give

where hearts are unbroken,words not left unspoken

things I have been waiting for, breathe the breath I have been yearning for

do all get the love that they deserve , or I have been toiling too much

working to unravel diamonds from the muck.

via Daily Prompt: Unravel

How everything is made business

beauty-hero-1260x600The girl is made to worry about her freckles.

The wrinkles become all the more noticeable.

Don’t you worry we have this new anti-ageing cream that would hide all those faults and make you look younger.

Be it round face, square cut or chubby cheeks, we have a product to hide everything

A product to hide all the faults and imperfections

Use this to give the illusion of higher cheeks, slimmer nose, softer jaw line or smaller forehead

And and and it comes with a blendable satin finish

Want a permanent solution for a scar or a blemish?

Wish to look fairer?

Not happy with your crooked nose?

A minor surgery would serve your problem

Tired of looking overweight, this slim tea would reduce your weight pronto

They make you feel that you are missing out on something.

They make you feel inferior to others.

They steal you off your confidence and self esteem.

They beat you down to lowest of the lows.

If we were content with what we had how could their business grow?

They make you worry about every small thing

They resent happiness.

They resent nature’s abundance showered upon us.

They are against the natural.

They gain and grow only by making you feel unhappy for yourself.

Their world is increasingly designed to depress us.

We never noticed the beauty because we were too busy trying to create it.


We got to rise from this slumber. Look at yourself in the mirror .

Focus on how beautiful you are.

Clear your thoughts of the negative

Appreciate whatever you have been gifted with.

Radiate positivity.

Praise those around you.

Smile .Wear a bit of confidence

Yeah that confidence is what will make you different .

Hit them back.

And the revolution has already begun.

True beauty is born through our actions and aspirations and in kindness we offer to others.Beauty should not be culturally relevant.It should be universal.

– Alek Wek


Also read : Too many things to be ungrateful for ?




Too many things to be ungrateful for ?

When was the last time that you felt to be doomed to live a life of scarcity and inadequacy ?

When was the last time you aspired to live someone’s life ?

To want every wish of yours to be fulfilled.

Looking at those happy faces often put you in a pensive mood.

Why bad things have to happen to me, I’m ill fated.

Some people no matter what they have are never content with there life, like whenever your extravagant wishes are fulfilled you have a higher list to be met with.We complain and fuss over everything in life.

Aspired for something but could not achieve it?

Struggled day in and day out but still couldn’t get it?

Her parents give her everything she asks for, but mine turn a deaf ear to all my demands.

There are no reasons for me to be happy . I wish I had  a better life.

From food to work , from family to friends ,we complain about everything in our life.

These are some of the phases that even I have gone through. But as I grew I realized that

there are a lot many things to be grateful for.A multitude of things to be thankful for.

Remember whenever something like this happens with you just close your eyes and thank God for being intact and complete in yourself,

for being able to see,read and listen ,

Walk,run,jump and climb

Speak ,express, eat and drink

Thank him for every morsel that enters your mouth

Thank him for giving you the ability to love,being loved,to be compassionate, to understand,

Thank him for the heart beating , for the lungs breathing, for the mind working

Thank him for the roof on your head. Be thankful for everything you have .

Have empathy for those who don’t have one of these.Empathy is a lot better than sympathy.

Even after not having one of these , they are a lot more happier than we are.


Remember ,there are people who don’t have the proper resources to learn read and write.

In a country at civil war,there are some who live in the constant threat of being attacked or bombed .

There are people across the world  dying from epidemic..

And here you are fussing over things you already have.



For a moment just give up all the could ,woulds ,might and should.

And just focus on WHAT IS

Replace the “I want” with “I have

Bring the sense of wholeness and satisfaction , and try to bring that through to your life right now.

And you will have a lot of things to be grateful for..

Don’t miss out on what you have with what more you wish to have.



Combating transience


We all go through change in our lives.According to me life is all about climbing the mountain rather than walking on a plateau . This is a poem I wrote last night on how the nature around teaches us to face these changes rather than giving up .


Standing under the endless sky azure

Why things end, I’m quite unsure

Leaving people behind to sulk and cry

They cease to exist and die


As through various shades of life I whirl

Trying to find my normal in a changing world

That’s dear to me don’t take that away

Days had been good I used to swing and sway


Here comes another change, I role and swirl

All at once my universe seems to explode and scatter

HELP! Is somebody out there?

Grieving for what is gone, brimming with dismay


There came the wind, into my ear it blow

Change is normal, just go with the flow

Followed it the storm marked by force and tumult

Show them your temper, use revenge and destruction as your catapult


Somebody bawled from above, the sky came to my aid

“Ask me about change”, it said

Being arid and dry to be sopping in a flash

I roar and growl as lightning makes a dash

Bearing the torrid sun I stand stronger than before

From struggle comes strength, at night I shine galore


For that was the day I learnt

Normal is colourless, life becomes monotonous

A riveting story is marked by change

Adapt and grow, newer things to embrace.






A different outlook

Everyday we come across different people and situations. New relations are built, feelings change ,friends turn into foes , acquaintances fade into oblivion. Some are intensely affected by others but for some it is no big deal.This read would would render a different perspective to situations in daily life.A mantra that caused a change in my mindset years back.

It starts with a simple rule “In any fault that you find in a person or any bad experience look at the opposite thing that it is teaching you.”


Anger should teach you composure and equilibrium.Instead of being caught up in the frisson of ire and furor be cool-headed and let the feelings of rage fade away.In the same way hatred teaches you the importance of  unconditional love.Delusion and deceit teach you whom to trust .Obstacles on you way should foster patience and endurance.If abandoned by someone, you learn being on your own and being self sufficient. Fear teaches you courage.Being entrapped in an illness teaches you the need for good health.Things not in your control teach you how to let go.


So everything in life needs to balance rather than compiling and being intensified.Instead of being the piece of land that wears off every time water touches its feet, you got to nurture life and deepen your roots.So take out the negative and counterpoise it with the positive and notice how beautiful life is.

A wish ungranted

I wish to be free
As if a gale of fresh air
Nothing to care
Flowing at its own pace
Forget about the rage
I wish to be free
Like the wind that flows along the trees
Leaves relishing with it
Knows no bounds or limit
I wish to be free
Ain’t no constraint, law or decree
Here I’m stuck
Hard to breathe in the muck
I wish to be free
Sans dogmas and society
Obligated to none
Freedom has been won
But as I look around
My reverie undone
Everything’s destroyed
Man ‘s unkind


My wish could not be granted
I dream again
Born in an entirely new world
Where love is the only word
Flowing and singing
Dancing and rejoicing
No walls , boundaries or limits.